Sunday, August 2, 2015

What to feed Convict Cichlid Fry

Well you got a pair of Convict Cichlids that have spawned and now yu will be wondering what to feed them. Most experts talk about feeding live feed like brine shrimp, micro worms, daphnia magna etc. to baby fish. So you would then be wondering as to where will you get all this stuff.

Here's the thing. If you are dealing with Convict Cichlid Fry, you need not bother yourself with all that hassle. You can simplify the whole thing by feeding them pellets. Yes! I did say pellets. The most common food people feed their fish. The same thing that most people feed the adult convict cichlids.

But theres one small difference here. Its the size of the pellet. I have visited many aquarium shops in search of readymade powdered food for fry, but its very scarce in supply. Now keeping in mind the size of the fry, you need to reduce the size of the pellet to fit in the fry's mouth. So I use a blender.

Steps - Preparing Powder dry feed for Convict Cichlid Fry

  1. Use the powder making blade and container that comes with your blender set.
  2. Make sure the powder maker container is dry.
  3. Pour in a fair amount of regular pellets into the container. Make sure its not too much or too less, as that will make it difficult for the blender to powderize. Normally fill around half the container.
  4. Turn it on and wait a couple of minutes. Observe if its become powder. If you find some pellets intact, shake up the container and blend it again. Repeat till you get the desired result.
  5. Pour the powdered content into an empty and dry container.
Thats all there is to it. Feed a reasonable amount of this power to your fry on a daily basis and watch them grow.

This method has worked for me and I witnessed amazing results. Below are some images to help.

Power makers normally look like this. They are small in size.

There are specialized blades in this which are efficient at grinding dry stuff into powder.

Heres the commercial pellets I use to feed my adult fish.

A more clearer view of the commercial pellets that I will make into powder.

This is the result after grinding the pellets to powder in the blender. The Convict Cichlid Fry love it.
The Convict Cichlid (Kindle Edition Ebook)

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